CBCo Margaret River Brewery Short Iron Range Terms and Conditions



1.1. By agreeing to the Terms of Use, customers are confirming they are over 18 years of age.


1.2. Children under the age of 18 are permitted to use the Short Iron Range but must have an adult in their party accept the Terms of Use on their behalf.


1.3. Children under the age of 16 are permitted to use the Short Iron Range but must be supervised at all times by an adult that has agreed to the Terms of Use.


1.4. Customers must, before swinging a golf club, check that nobody is standing in the path of their swing. Under no circumstances is a club to be swung outside of the perimeter of the range mat.


1.5. Customers must not enter, retrieve, or hit balls from the grass, gravel or water area at the front of the range.


1.6. Smoking and vaping are not permitted on the driving range.


1.7. Range users will be liable for the cost of any damages to property or injury caused by negligent or reckless use.


1.8. Any damage or incident must be reported to a member of staff immediately.


1.9. Prior to starting the session in the range bay, range users must familiarise themselves with the disclaimer displayed in the range bay.


1.10. We wish customers to enjoy their experience but foul or language that causes upset to other customers will not be tolerated.


1.11. Users may not bring on to nor consume on the premises food and drink that has not been legitimately purchased on the premises.


1.12. We will further decline service if customers are under the influence of alcohol and their behaviour is unruly and causing upset to other customers. We further reserve the right to eject the whole party should behaviour be unacceptable.


1.13. Loss or damage to clubs hired from us will incur a fee of $150 per club.




2.1. The maximum group size for each bay is stipulated at time of booking and must not be exceeded.


2.2. Details for all players must be entered when making the booking.


2.3. Should an email confirmation not be received within 30 minutes of making the booking, please contact the venue to check your booking.




3.1. Full payment is required online by Debit or Credit Card at the time of booking.


3.2. All payments made are non-refundable but may be transferred in accordance with the cancellation policy. (see 5)




4.1. All players should check-in at the Reception and be ready to play a minimum of 5 minutes prior to the booked time.


4.2. We reserve the right to move your booking to the next available bay if players fail to arrive on time. No refund will be offered if we are unable to provide an alternative bay on the same day.


4.3. Late arrivals should vacate the bay at the end of their originally booked session unless there is free availability.




5.1. Cancellations should be made by telephone to the venue. Payment for cancellations made with more than 24 hours’ notice will be transferred to a future booking. Cancellations with less than 24 hours’ notice or ‘no shows’ are fully chargeable.


5.2. No money transfer will be given due to adverse weather conditions unless we deem the range ‘unplayable’.




6.1. In the unlikely event of a range closure (deemed unplayable by the Duty Manager, on the date of the booking, payments made for that booking will be transferred to a future booking.




7.1. Should you have reason to complain you should do so in writing to the Duty Manager within 48 hours of the reason to do so.




8.1. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Morris Hospitality Pty Ltd (including any of its employees and agents) does not accept any liability for damage, loss, or injury to property or persons sustained whilst on the premises.


8.2. You acknowledge that playing or practising on the golf driving range has inherent and obvious risks and you accept and assume all of those risks, whether or not described in these terms and conditions


8.3. CCTV images may be recorded for the purpose of safety and crime prevention.


8.4. By using the CBCo Margaret River Brewery Short Iron Range, users agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Failure to comply may result in expulsion from the facility and/or potential legal action.



Morris Hospitality Pty Ltd

Trading as CBCo Brewing

ABN 51 132 266 061

CBCo Margaret River Brewery Short Driving Range